By Bill Crews Expressing the sentiments of my heart are these words of Paul to his brethren at Corinth: “I write not these things to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved children” (1 Cor. 4:14). This then is not a lesson to shame, but to admonish. Consider these: How brief life is! How …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The Lord’s Cause in Louisiana
By Bob Welton While with us in a gospel meeting in February, Brother Cecil Willie and I talked at length about the Lord’s cause in Louisiana. Cecil reminded me that not enough is known about the work of sound churches in the state arid because of this, Cecil suggested a “special on Louisiana” to better inform …
Signs of Idolatry
By Clarence R.. Johnson It was recorded of some, in Old Testament times, that “they feared the Lord, and served their own gods . . .” (2 Kgs. 17:33). At first reading, such a statement sounds strange, but on second thought, it seems that many “Christians” are doing basically the same thing today. They, recognize the …
Creeds, Manuals, Disciplines & Etc.
By Dennis C. Abernathy As we look around the religious world, we find all kinds of creeds, disciplines, manuals, and catechisms. All of these teach or set forth a particular doctrine for a particular church. Most all of these churches claim to follow the Word of God as their guide or authority. To this writer, this …