By Mike T. Rogacs Teaching the gospel to every creature is the duty of each Christian. Some have more ability and knowledge than others, but all can do some teaching about Christ and His Kingdom. It is fine, and often expedient, that members of the church call upon elders and preachers to “talk to my friend” …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Grieved to Death
By Robert Wayne La Coste As a young boy, my older brother and I raised pigeons. The first pair we ever had was a young female we had simply caught in a neighbor’s barn, and a much older male that we had had as a single pet for sometime. We really enjoyed watching them work, live …
Putting First Things First
By Gordon J. Pennock I once read an amusing story about a farmer who told his wife, as he tumbled into bed, “I’ll plow tomorrow.” “The next morning,” as the story goes, “he started to lubricate the tractor. But he needed oil, so he went to the shop to get it. On the way, he noticed …
The Witness of the Spirit
By William V. Beasley It has often and rightly been preached that the Holy Spirit bears witness “with” and not “to” the spirits of God’s children (Rom. 8:16). The Holy Spirit has given us God’s commandments (telling men how to become and be children of God) and the spirit of man, upon man’s learning the truth, …