Editor’s Note: One of the great minds of the Restoration Movement was Alexander Campbell. Much has been written about him, possibly because so much was written by him. Robert Richardson, the author of the definitive autobiography of Campbell, recorded the following “Rules” saying that the `following qualifications,” were ” . . , necessary to …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Killed with His Own Poison
By James W. Adams In Southwest Texas where I was reared, they is a species of cactus known by the Mexicans as “tasajilla.” (I cannot vouch for the spelling.) It is made up of long jointed stems having extremely long thorns with wicked points. In that section there are also many rattlesnakes, enemies of man and …
“Every Man in His Place”
By Irvin Himmel In the days of the Judges, God allowed the Israelites to be oppressed by the Midianites for seven years. This affliction brought God’s people to their knees in repentance. A deliverer was chosen by the Lord to lead Israel against Midian. The chosen leader was named Gideon. With 32,000 men, Gideon made preparations …
How Many Will Go To Heaven
By Keith Sharp The July 4, 1973 Houston Post carried the following quotation of Milton G. Henschel, “a top official” of the Jehovah’s Witnesses: “The exact number who will make it to heaven is 144,000 . . . Revelation 14, one in four, gives the exact figure . . . .” Does Revelation 14:1-4 teach that …