By Larry Ray Hafley In another era, in another context, the words below were penned by Brother G. C. Brewer. Though the frame of reference differs the thoughts are as true as they are timeless: “Those who read the religious papers have, no doubt, observed that much is being said today about `a dictatorship’ or `an …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Salvation from Sin
By Garreth L. Clair The greatest thing in the world must be attaining salvation from sin. Knowledge of this fact ought to stir men to obedience, but in many cases it does not. The time has arrived when all men, everywhere, must obey God or else be eternally lost; there are no other possibilities. When the …
Only a Christian
By Ernest A. Finley Can One Be Only a Christian? If a man were dissatisfied with the condition of religious division which exists in the world today and were to desire to have fellowship with no denomination or sect, but to be simply a Christian, a child of God, a member of the church which the …
Denominationalizing the Church (VI)
By Roy E. Cogdill In last week’s article we set forth the simple pattern of New Testament church organization. 1. Christ is the head over all things to the church-the only head it has and his authority the only authority in it (Eph. 1:21-23). 2. Believers who were saved by their obedience to the Gospel in …