By Bob Felkner A good citizen will obey the laws of the nation in which he lives (Rom. 13:1-7). Not only should he obey those laws, but he should also encourage legal action against criminals. We usually insist on the prosecution of murderers, rapists, thieves, and dope peddlers, but what about smut peddlers? Why do we …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
“He Spilled the Beans” and the Truth Came Out”
By George Welsh Tyler At Denver, Colorado on May 21, 1962, the 174th general assembly of the United Presbyterian Church approved a record mission budget of $30,354,672 for the next year. More than 2500 packed the city auditorium for the Sunday night city-wide service. Dr. D. T. Niles, a Methodist minister from Ceylon, in delivering the …
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Certain Appointments
By Cecil Willis Our lives have come to be regulated by appointments. Virtually everything we do is done by appointment. We have certain schedules we must keep. Most of us carry around with us a little book in which we keep track of our engagements. We have a certain schedule to meet at our work. If …
By Larry Ray Hafley QUESTION: From Kentucky: “My girlfriend and I got to discussing the topic of pre-marital sex. We both believe that is is wrong and Heb. 13:4 says that the whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. But what about the couple that is in love and planning marriage? I am probably wrong, but I …