By Cecil Willis There are many different religious organizations in existence in our country this day. A multitude of differences separate and divide these religious groups. Yet they have one thing in common. They each have a creed. The English word “creed” comes from the Latin “credo,” which means “I believe.” Strictly speaking, a “creed” would …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
By Larry Ray Hafley QUESTION: From Missouri: “Is it scriptural to celebrate Christmas in any way? Do you think giving of gifts, sending cards, and a Christmas tree are contrary to scriptural authority? Would the above fall under the discussion of Romans 14? Would the observing of any of the customs above be forbidden by Galatians …
The Neglected Book
By Larry Ray Hafley There is an extremely useful and profitable book in my library by F. W. Farrar entitled Texts Explained. It was purchased from a Methodist College Library after it had been “discarded.” The book was printed in 1899. It is yellow and musty with age. This informative and valuable book has approximately 15 …
Denominationalizing the Church (X)
By Roy E. Cogdill Many of the brethren are contending today that it is scriptural and right for the churches of Christ to build and maintain benevolent “organizations” to do the work of caring for the needy that God has charged the church to do. This proposition has been debated numerous times between brethren all over …