Facts About The New Testament Church: The Identity of the Church

By Jimmy Tuten, Jr. There are over three hundred religious bodies in America. Out of this vast number of churches only one can lie identified as the New Testament church. How one goes about identifying the church is the purpose of this writing. The dictionary defines “identify” in the following manner: “sameness of essential character . …

Overview of The Bible by David Dann – Interview

DOWNLOAD SAMPLE CHAPTER David Dann is the author of Overview of The Bible, a series of workbooks that help give us a fundamental understanding of the books of the Bible. One lesson is devoted to each book and discusses the title, author, date, purpose, content, and outline. 20% Discount on Overview of The Bible workbooks …

Destructive, Damnable Deceit of the Devil (1)

“When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it” (Jn. 8:44). The devil is the father of lies because he told the first one. He lied to Eve by telling her she would not surely die (Gen. 3:4). Since that time he has …