By Donald P Ames Several years ago, while living in Arkansas, we were working with some Baptist neighbors, who had become slightly prejudiced against the Lord’s church. In order to help break down that prejudice, while inviting and working with them to attend services with us, we volunteered also to attend services with them whenever ,hey …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Situation Ethics
By Steve Willis “Ethics” has to do with what one “ought” to do. Situation ethics means the “situationist (the individual practicing situation ethics-SW) enters into every decision-making situation fully armed with the ethical maxims of his community and its heritage (this includes the Bible-SW) and he treats them with respect as illuminators of his problems. Just …
At Last . . . Now . . . an Open Confession: Paper Dies, Issues Live
By Ron Halbrook The misguided Mission Messenger missile is no longer in orbit since the December, 1975, issue. The author and finisher of Messenger’s faith set the old ship down because he felt she had accomplished his objectives for her and because he wanted to free himself for new travels. “The routine of editing was interfering …
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If Christ Came Today
By William Sowder] Some people scoff today at the idea that Christ is to return for his people. And many others (brethren included) can only think of his coming as being sometime in the very distant future. Peter warned of just such an attitude when he wrote: “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the …