By Larry Ray Hafley “Intolerance and exclusiveness of Christian religion and society: In one marked way Christians contravened the tolerant eclective (free to choose-LRH) spirit of the empire-the intolerance and absoluteness of their religion and the exclusiveness of their society. All other religions of the empire admitted compromise and eclecticism, were willing to dwell rather on …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
At Last. . . Now . . . an Open Confession: What Saith the Scriptures
By Ron Halbrook Word Definitions Demand Distinction? According to Ketcherside, the meanings of certain Biblical words will demand the gospel-doctrine distinction. The words come in groups, and a look at Thayer’s Lexicon refutes the argument from definition. Didaskalia is “teaching, instruction,” “teaching i.e. that which is taught, doctrine.” One who teaches or instructs is a didaskalos, …
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Evolution is not Necessarily True
By David D’Armond Editor’s Note: Mr. DArmond is a geologist who is affiliated with the Midwest Center (a division of Institute for Creation Research). In a statement from him he said, “I became aware of the serious scientific deficiencies of evolution as a result of changing majors from mathematics to geology my junior year. Mathematics is …
Conversion: Baptism: ” For the Remission of Sin”
By Cecil Willis After having discussed the subject and the act of baptism, it logically follows that we should now discuss the design or the purpose of baptism. Throughout the years, I would venture to guess, that there has been no sin0le subject that has been the object of more discussions than has the subject of …
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