By Don Potts One of the most common evils and gripping habits one can deal with, is the use of tobacco. Brethren also know that it is one of the touchiest subjects a preacher can deal with. For this reason, preachers have learned to leave it alone, declaring that it will do no good to preach …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
At Last . . . Now . . . an Open Confession: The Pattern of Ecumenical Liberalism
By Ron Halbrook From No-Pattern On Doctrine To No-Pattern On Gospel Ketcherside is caught in the same trap as many other ecumenical evangelicals: the trap of Liberal premises which they have accepted, running counter to their professions of fundamental faith. On the one hand, if the Bible is the Word of God, logic and consistency lead …
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Conversion: The Design of Baptism as Taught by Mark 16:16
By Cecil Willis Our entire study of our last article was concerned with just one passage that teaches why men are to be baptized. We centered our thoughts around the command of the apostle Peter, when he ordered the inquiring Jews on the day of Pentecost to “repent and be baptized everyone of you in the …
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What does Hosea 6:6 Mean?
By Larry Ray Hafley “For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings” (Hos. 6:6). Upon two occasions, Jesus referred to our text. In each case he taught that a proper understanding of Hosea 6:6 was essential to a devout attitude and godly living. Before we note the use …