By Cecil Willis For the past several weeks it has been our endeavor to survey the word of God pointing out what the Bible teaches on the subject of baptism. Thus far we have seen that only those who were capable of hearing, understanding, and rendering obedience to the gospel were subjects of baptism. In another …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Influenced by Men
By William V Beasley “You are being influenced by the writings (books) of men!” is an accusation made by unthinking Christians against their preaching brethren. This is said as if to be guilty of such was equal to complete unfaithfulness, or, at least, the first step in complete apostasy. None of us, myself included, should want …
“The Sower Went Forth . . .”
By Ron Halbrook “The sower went forth to sow,” said Jesus in the parable, explaining, “The seed is the word of God.” In 1955 Brother Eugene Britnell began a , small mimeographed bulletin in Tuckerman, Arkansas, in an effort to sow the seed of the kingdom. The paper moved with him to the Arch Street church …
“Quitin’ the Church”
By Luther Blackmon There are many excuses offered for quitting the church, but none that God will accept I am sure. Not many people are honest enough just to face up to reality and admit that they have quit. They are just femporarily absent for a few month or years (as if the Lord had given …