By Cecil Willis Last week we set out to study a few of the cases of conversion recorded in the book of Acts to see how they coincide precisely with the commandments we have seen to be enjoined upon us by the direct commands of the Lord. We want to see that those of whom the …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Miscellaneous Meditations
By Larry Ray Hafley (1) One may extol the virtues of morality, bravery, kindness, and humility but be possessed of none of them. One may excoriate the vices of intemperance, cowardice, harshness, and arrogance but be polluted with all of them. (2) Are you familiar with the expression, “Be not deceived?” Even casual students of the …
“Take Heed Unto Thyself”
By Luther Blackmon I think it likely that few, if any of jis, have the ability to examine our own motives and conduct with absolute fairness and honesty. Burns, the Scotcb poet, recognized this fact when be expressed the desire that we might have the gift to “see ourselves as others see us.” This might not …
That’s A Good Question
By Larry Ray Hafley Question: From the Republic of the Philippines: First of all let me state the following; Division in the churches of Christ, originated in your country (&.S.A.). The issues are purely American principles. I mean, as far as I know, the churches of Christ in the United States are the only ones who …