Jehovah’s Witness or False Witness?

By Irvin Himmel For twenty-five years (1917-1942) the Watch Tower Society, hierarchical organization of the group known today as “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” was under the leadership of J. F. Rutherford. Of the many writings that came from his pen, none is more vivid than a 128-page book entitled Millions Now Living Will Never Die! The book was …

Loose Teaching on Sin and Grace Related to the New Unity Movement

By Ron Halbrook Each of the following errors will enlarge the circle of unity and fellowship. But this enlarged circle is wholly manmade. It is not Bible unity. Since it is not scriptural unity, it is not pleasing to God. I. We Are All Brethren In Error. (i.e., every Christian and all congregations are involved in …

The Aimlessness Of Life Without God

By Daniel H. King The sentiment of skepticism and unbelief which pervades all of human society at the present time has a singular facet which has led to its appeal to a large segment of mankind. Strangely enough, that facet is that it leaves people oblivious to any purpose for existence. It may not sound as …