By William V Beasley Me thinks I can hear one say, “Preacher, have you taken leave of your senses? Don’t you know that Jesus is the Savior?” Yes, I know Jesus is my Savior and I also know what my Savior taught about baptism and salvation. It was Jesus who said, “He that believeth and is …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Philippine Report
By Wallace H. Little Harold Trimble, who returned from a preaching visit to the Philippine Islands earlier this year, remarked that one who goes there will receive all kinds of appeals for help, and each one will tear at your heart. He is so right! Basically, their appeals for assistance break down into two major categories. …
Preacher: Some Tax Facts On Health Insurance
By George T. Eldridge Individually Purchased Income Protection Insurance Individuals can pay for their health insurance or the employer (the church) can pay all or part of the premiums. Question: Are premiums paid for income protection insurance tax deductible as a medical expense? Answer: No. Question: Are income protection benefits tax free? Answer: Yes (Internal Revenue …
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Lauderdale County Churches of Christ
By Raymond E. Harris History In The Making? April 1975, Lauderdale County, Alabama may well be remembered in years to come as a significant starting point of “The Church Of Christ denomination.” At that time an event transpired that may be unparalleled in the history of the Church in this century. I personally do not know …