Conversion: The Conversion of the Three Thousand

By Cecil Willis In Acts 2:41, the writer Luke says “They then that received his word were baptized: and there were added unto them in that day about three thousand souls.” We want to study how these three thousand were converted. Let me suggest that you take your own Bible and carefully study the entire second …

The “Gospel” of Harry Emerson Fosdick

By Warren E. Berkle A bewildered mother wrote to Ann Landers for advice in raising her children. The essence of her inquiry was this: How can a person tell right from wrong? The answer appeared in Ann Landers’ syndicated column as follows: Dear Mother: A few years ago I heard a sermon by the beloved pastor …

Art Thou He that Troubleth Israel ?

By Voyd N.Ballard In every generation there have been some of God’s people that have rejected Him and determined in their hearts to have their own way, regardless of what God says. This was true of God’s people in the days of the prophet Elijah, and it is equally true today. These perverters of truth never …