By Irvin Himmel In ancient times soldiers fought with swords. The sword was but a tool in the hand of the warrior. The action performed through the agency of the sword was credited to the soldier. God’s word is the Spirit’s sword. Paul instructed Christians to take “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Respect God’s Pattern of Local Organization
By Ron Halbrook For the truth’s sake, members of churches of Christ must respect what God revealed about the organization of the local church. Either there is a pattern revealed in the Bible for local church organization and function, or there is none. If there is no pattern, then no organizational arrangement under the sun could …
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“Come Now, and Let Us Reason Together”
By Hoyt H.Houchen How often have we seen the above statement in Isa. 1:18 used by brethren as an invitation to others to come and study the Bible? It frequently appears as a motto at the bottom of church ads in newspapers, on bill boards, and on business cards of preachers. We would not at all …
Why I am Not a Baptist (1)
By Bob Felkner I am presenting this material in response to a book by Joe T. Odle, entitled, Why I Am A Baptist. The book contains sermons, testimonies, and articles by “Representative Baptists.” The fact is, I used to be a Baptist. I grew up in an area which was predominately Baptist. I was born in …