By Daniel H. King Albert Schweitzer is a perfect example of the intellectual, philosophical and practical progression which takes place when the Bible is sold down the river to liberalism. I do not mean to cast any reflection upon Schweitzer’s intellect, scholarly ability, love for his fellow man, or put in question the genuineness or sincerity …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Conversion: A Case of Near Conversion
By Cecil Willis Much of the book of Acts deals with Paul’s efforts to expand the borders of God’s spiritual kingdom, the church. It tells of his efforts in cities far and near. It clearly pictures his trials, and persecutions. It tells of those converted by his preaching, and of those who rejected his teaching. Three …
Do You Know God?
By Jeffery Kingry Gnosticism is a system of philosophy that sought to destroy the New Testament church in the first century. John’s first epistle combats this influence that was prevalent in the church at the time. The situation that brought this error into the church parallels a condition ,hat exists today. Many years had passed from …
Parental Conduct “Trains Up” Children
By Keith Ward Solomon declared, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6). A boy raised to be honest will not steal or lie; a child raised in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord” will not apostasize once free …