By Mike Willis With this issue, volume twenty of Truth Magazine will come to a close. Throughout the past twenty years, the pages of this journal have been filled with instruction pertaining to issues within the church in an effort to remind Christians that one must have Bible authority for all which he says and …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Conversion: Rules of Conversion
By Cecil Willis In our extended study of conversion, we have but one motive in mind. We want to learn what men and women did in New Testament times in order to get the forgiveness of their sins, for we know that the same law that governed them still governs us today, Therefore, one must do …
Why Do You Talk Like That?
By Bruce Edwards, Jr. It is sometimes surprising to witness the behavior of some who profess to be among the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. The claim of discipleship is a claim to Jesus as Lord-Lord of everything in the disciple’s life. It is thus somewhat conspicuous behavior when professing Christians utter profane language. There …
The Bible Through The Ages
By Irven Lee The righteousness of God is revealed in the Bible. Of course, God is righteous, and this is made clear, because He is the perfect standard of righteousness. In addition to this fact, the New Testament reveals God’s plan of righteousness for man (Rom. 1:16-18). The teacher, called the man of God, is well …