Kept By the Power of God: A Study of Perseverance and Falling Away by I. Howard Marshall One of the recent publications which has been raising a furor in evangelical circles is this book by I. Howard Marshall. In the “Forward,” Clark H. Pinnock said, “The form of the book is simple and straightforward. The …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
A Word about the Editor
By Roy E. Cogdill (Preface: Since the middle of last summer, after my father suffered two light strokes, I have been trying to help him with this paper. He is required to stay in bed most of the time. Although he still is editor, I have been doing the actual “paste-up” of most of the issues. …
Morality Continues to Decline
By Donald P Ames Morals here in America have declined at an increasingly rapid pace during recent years, and little evidence is available to show any reason for optimism that such is going to slow down. Movies have become more and more vulgar, with emphasis on sex purely for the sake of a sex scene. Books …
The Home, Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in Divine Deference
By H.L. Bruce The fact that God has taught on a theme should arrest our will and propensities to a complete deference to His teachings. His truth is exceedingly important! Our will is so insignificant! His truth’s majestic! Our propensities mundane! We. are wholly inadequate to direct, design and pursue the way of life of our …
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