By Max A. Burgin This report comes to you from Lismore in the extreme northeast of N.S.W. where we have been for six weeks. This is a very prosperous city of 25,000. in some of Australia’s most beautiful country midway between the ocean and the mountains, being twenty miles from each. The city proper is in …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The Law of Moses And The Gospel of Christ (VII): The Purpose of the Law
By Cecil Willis In our last two lessons we studied the “double-law” distinction of denominationalism, and saw that the Scriptures indicate that the “ceremonial” and Ten Commandment Law (“moral”) are both a part of one and the same system, namely the Old Covenant. Hence when we learn, as we have in previous lessons that the Law …
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Hindrances to Baptism
By Norman E. Fultz Luke records in Acts 8:26-40 (May I suggest you turn and read it?) the conversion of the eunuch from Ethiopia. The treasurer of the Queen of that country, he evidently was a Jew or a proselyte to the Jewish religion and had been to Jerusalem to worship. On his way home a …
Billy Graham Versus the Bible
By Johnie Edwards On August 5, 1975 Mr. Donald Holsten, one of Mr. Billy Graham’s counselors, responded to a letter we had written asking about the church and salvation. Here is the answer: Church Membership “In answer to your question, we must first of all emphasize that church membership is not essential to salvation.” Now let …