By R. L. Morrison Christians seldom backslide by a “blow-out.” It is the “slow leak” which takes the heavy toll. I mean, one seldom goes into apostasy all at once, it is a gradual process. Undoubtedly, some do not intend to do it at all, but they do anyway. “Take heed brethren, lest there be in …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
That’s a Good Question
By Larry Ray Hafley From Florida: `Do we have scriptural authority for `chain prayer?’. . . It is being practiced here at the college, and as it brings back memories of my days in the Baptist church, this is a matter of great importance to me.” It is much better to hear of college students engaged …
The Mormons and Polygamy
By John McCort One of most glaring discrepancies in Mormon doctrine is their position on polygamy. Over the years their position on polygamy has changed like the colors on a chameleon. They try to give the impression that their position has never changed on this particular subject. History does not bear that fact out. The original …
Descriptive Terms of Christians
By Mike Willis Throughout the history of the American restoration movement, the term “disciple” has been a popular one both in the description of the individual members and of the congregation. Indeed, the most liberal segment of the groups historically related to the restoration movement has called themselves the Disciples of Christ. The usage of this …