Some Suggestions to Elders on How to Keep Preachers From Leaving

By Royce Chandler Just as the local work seems to be getting off to a good start and the future harvest appears promising, the preacher calls together the elders and informs them of his intention to move. After all the time spent in searching for a replacement and the money spent in moving him, it still …

Religious Controversy

By Alexander Campbell (Note: This excellent article, “Religious Controversy,” written by Alexander Campbell one hundred and forty-five years ago was a much needed piece of material then and it is equally needed now. Honorable discussions to elicit truth is a time-honored method used by the good and godly of generations past and must remain with us …

The Law of Moses And The Gospel of Christ (9) Consequences of Going Back to the Law

By Cecil Willis This is now the ninth lesson which we have devoted to trying to learn the proper relationship existing between the Law of Moses and the Gospel of Christ. We also have sought to demonstrate from God’s Word the attitude that one should have toward the Law of Moses. This week’s points will be …