Reject Traditions About Inherited Sin

By Ron Halbrook Many years after “all truth” or “the faith” had been revealed, the pure stream of New Testament Christianity was corrupted by Greek philosophy (Jn. 16:13; Jude 3; 2 Tim. 4:1). Philosophers taught that the body or flesh itself was inherently evil. As this poison was mixed with Bible truth, the theory was presented …

Matthew 5:44, 45 an Universalism

By Larry Ray Hafley The doctrine of Universalism was once actively and aggressively advanced by those who claimed to believe the Bible. Their belief is that God will save all men regardless of their character and life. One of the Scriptures they use as a proof text is Matthew 5:44, 45, “But I say unto you, …

Protestants and the Restoration Principle

By Johnny Stringer One of the papers published to promote a pseudo unity based upon compromise of truth and toleration of error is Integrity. The August, 1975, issue of that publication contains an article by Thomas Lane, entitled “The Principle Reconsidered.” The principle which Mr. Lane reconsiders is the restoration principle; this writer believes that Mr. …