Book Brief Divine Inspiration of the Bible

By L. Gaussen Every Christian should be vitally concerned with the verbal or plenary inspiration of the Bible. On this issue the truthfulness of Christianity stands or falls. If the Bible, for example, is not totally inspired, the Christian must elevate himself to the position of a judge to determine which parts are and which parts …

“God’s Priorities vs. Mine”

By L. Bruce Taylor Two of God’s commandments that surely epitomize the entire scope of the Gospel and the Plan of Salvation are appearing to plague the church universal and the local congregation. It is a tragic scene to see the wisdom of God shunned and cast aside as immaterial by what is undoubtedly human wisdom …

Descriptive Terms of Christians: Believers

By Mike Willis One of the most common titles ascribed to Christians is “believers” (cf. Acts 2:44; 4:32; 5:14). The word “believer” is translated from the Greek word pisteuo which is defined as follows: “to believe, also to be persuaded of, and hence, to place confidence in, to trust, signifies, in this sense of the word, …