By L.A. Stauffer The conception of human offspring, according to natural law, occurs only when the sperm of a man unites with the egg of a woman. In the case of Jesus, though, writers of the first century report that he was born of a virgin. The writers agree that a power outside of nature made …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The Influence of Christ
By Cecil Willis No being who has ever existed upon this earth has so influenced every facet of life, and every culture, as has the meek and lowly Jesus of Nazareth. Even the most blatant infidel has to recognize His coming. Every time he dates a letter or a legal document, he tacitly admits to the …
Descriptive Terms of Christians Called of God
By Mike Willis “Jude, a bond-servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to those who are the called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ” (Jude 1). So begins the next to last book of our New Testament, Notice that the Christians are addressed as “those who are the called.” Several other …
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By Denver Niemeier Many things that not too long ago were plentiful are now in short supply. There are many shortages in evidence today that affect our daily lives. While these shortages are of concern to all of us, there are others that should be of greater concern to every child of God. They are those …