Unity False Unity

By Roy E. Cogdill We have sought to separate unity from the “Ecumenical Movement” which some have confused as a “movement” in the direction of unity and God. Of course, Christianity is not connected with any “movement” of any kind. A “movement” toward union without unity-compromise without conviction-policy without principle-is subversive to truth, contrary to the …

“How are the Mighty Fallen”

By Loren N. Raines There was no man that David loved more than he loved Jonathan. Perhaps no greater friendship ever existed than that between these two good men. Of Jonathan David said, “Thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.” In lamenting the death of Jonathan, David said, “How are the mighty …

Public Reaction Pesky Bus Ministry!

By Raymond E. Harris During the past couple years we have heard a great out pouring of pros and cons concerning the “Bus Ministries.” It seems to be a subject most church members feel rather strongly about. They are either strongly in favour or utterly against the church bussing programs. ‘This has caused no little stir …

Jesus Only Doctrine Baptism in the Name of Jesus Only

By Cecil Willis In Eph. 4:3-6 we find Paul saying there is one body, one hope, one faith, one baptism. But in this same passage Paul says there is one God, one Lord, and one Spirit. There are those who deny the truth of this passage. They want to maintain the separateness of the ..one body, …