By John McCort The congregation for which I preach recently started a program of phone-in-evangelism which I personally feel will be a great asset to our work. In this article I would like to share with you some of the advantages of this method of preaching the gospel. We purchased a Sanyo M139N Telephone Answering Device. …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The Beatitudes Blessed are They Which do Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness
By Keith Sharp “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled” (Matt. 5:6). My mother grew up on a ranch in Southwest Texas during the depression. My grandfather, Daddy Sprott, was always poor, but during those times they were desperately so. My mother, along with her seven brothers and …
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Brother Warren Shows Kindness to “Antis”
By H. Edward McCaskill I have been a reader of The Spiritual Sword, published by the Getwell church of Christ in Memphis and edited by my long time friend and former teacher, Thomas B. Warren, for a number of years. The material contained in this publication has been excellent and I have appreciated a host of …
A Bad Church
By Donald P Ames The other Sunday, while driving to worship services, we passed one of the local denominational buildings, and my youngest son remarked, “That’s a bad church, isn’t it, Daddy?” Of course, one’s first reaction is to point out that calling it a “bad church” is not polite, but that it is a church …