By Larry Ray Hafley Question: From Virginia: “Can it be established from the New Testament that capital punishment is pleasing to God in our day and time?” Reply: Capital punishment is defined by Webster, ” execution as punishment for a crime; the death penalty.” The Eternal Principle “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Churches’ Becoming Social Clubs
By Tarry L.CluffFort There is a great deal of misunderstanding by many as to the purpose of the church. Some think that the church should be a political power to involve itself in the politics of the land. Others feel that the church has the task of educating people with secular knowledge. There are still others …
Take Your Time and Hurry Up!
By Don Potts Today it is no uncommon thing to hear a congregation sing, “Take time to be holy, the world rushes on,” then to hear them urge the preacher to cut every corn possible to shorten his sermon in order for the congregation to be out and gone by twelve o’clock. clock: Take your time …
By Johnny Stringer Invocation of Matthew 7:1 It is almost impossible to condemn sin in the lives of people or to expose the errors of false teachers without being met with the retort, “Judge not, that ye be not judged” (Matt. 7:1). Men who know virtually nothing else about the word of God-men who couldn’t tell …