By Irvin Himmel The Psalmist said, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly . . .” (Psa. 1:1). Rehoboam, son of Solomon, asked for advice when he was about to be made king. The people wanted their burdens made lighter. The older men advised Rehoboam to be considerate of the …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
MIRACLES: Old Testament Miracles
By Cecil Willis When we speak of a miracle we do not mean by it what the Modernist means. He says a miracle is the religious name for any event. When we speak of a miracle, we mean an event which cannot be explained by natural causes. It is effected by a supernatural power. In this …
Eternal Security
By Wayne S. Walker One of the tenets of Reformed theology which John Calvin adopted and propagated was that of “the preseverance of the saints.” Often it is referred to as the doctrine of “once in grace, always in grace.” Or stated as a proposition, it reads, “A child of God cannot so sin as to …
The Christian and Violence
By Jeffery Kingry “President Killed By Sniper In Dallas” “Kennedy Shot In Hotel By Arab Extremist” “Wallace Gunned Down In Maryland Crowd” “King Murdered In Memphis” “Manson Cult Follower Attempts To Take Ford’s Life” “Hijacking Ends In Three Deaths” “Husband Kills Family And Self” How long could we go on with this bloody litany from the …