By Larry Ray Hafley “Mrs. (Gerald) Ford does not need our condemnation (for her widely publicized remarks about `affairs and abortion’); she needs our sympathy and our prayers in her behalf. We should pray that she would wake up to the need of sanctity of the home and proper example for our children. We should pray …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Streaking Straight Toward Hell
By Robert Wayne La Coste (Editor’s Note: Let us apologize to Brother LaCoste for not getting this in print earlier. The material is somewhat dated inasmuch as streaking has somewhat waned. However, what he has said regarding nakedness is as apropos for 1977 as it was when it was written.) It’s unbelievable at the behavior of …
Saving a Soul From Death
By Irvin Himmel Unlike other epistles which develop a central theme, the letter written by James covers a variety of subjects. The following statements bring the letter to a rather abrupt close: “Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from …
Creating Needless Confusion (II)
By Ron Halbrook Sing To God Only? One more example of creating needless confusion will be given, though many could be found. Passages like Col. 3:16 are sometimes misconstrued by those who think they are “going all the way back to the Bible in its original meaning.” They tell us the passage does not really instruct …