By Jeffery Kingry There is a phrase used among brethren that demonstrates contempt for some of their brethren. The word is almost a universal byword o# derision among saints. The most damning accusation that could conceivably be brought against any man’s motives is to say, “He is trying to be a Big-Name-Preacher.” Now, it is obvious …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
A Response to Dan Walters
By Don Potts I have been asked to respond to Brother Walters’ reply to my article on “King Nicotine or King Jesus” which was published in the October 7, 1976 issue of Truth Magazine. If it were just a matter of responding to a preacher who wishes to serve as an advocate for the use of …
King Potts or King Jesus?
By Dan Welters It is with a sense of reluctance that I reply to Brother Don Potts regarding his article, “King Nicotine or King Jesus,” (Truth Magazine, Oct. 7, 1976). Why should a writer waste his time defending tobacco in an age when the most basic moral virtues and, indeed, the right to life itself are …
Sunday Evening Communion (II)
By Jimmy Tuten, Jr. Controversy continues to exist over the scripturalness of making provision for the Lord’s Supper to be served at the second or evening assembly. Those who object do so for various reasons, one of which is the “Time Argument”. This position is broken down into the “Sundown-to-Sundown Day Theory” and the “Daylight Theory”. …