By Mike Willis The disciples of Jesus were very much impressed by His practice and preaching regarding prayer. Frequently, Jesus resorted to some quiet place to pray (Mk. 1:35; Lk. 5:16). One of the most pointed passages in all of the New Testament pertained to the subject of prayer. Jesus related the parable of the unjust …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Departure from Faith is Gradual
By Luther Blackmon In the individual Christian, as in the church, departure from the faith is gradual. It is a psychological impossibility for a faithful Christian to suddenly make up his mind he will no longer serve the Lord. I realize that there are many counterfeit Christians who “joined the church” for some selfish reason; these …
That’s A Good Question
By Larry Ray Hafley “Send all questions to the writer of this column.” Question: Departure from Illinois: “How can it be proved that Jesus was raised from the dead on Sunday, the first day of the week?” Reply: No teaching of Scripture is more fully and clearly taught than the fact that Jesus was raised from …
Common Sense
By Myke Morris When every other argument has failed those who defend unscriptural practices and the truth has them pinned to the wall so that in their hearts they know their error, there is one last resort which they state with confidence and so salve their consciences. “Common sense tells me . . .”; and so …