By Mike Willis For several months now, I have been intending to write an article pertaining to the name of the Lord’s church. A number of articles have crossed my desk in which the writers have denied that the church has a name. I want our readers to see a sampling of these articles. These quotations …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Commitment to Christ
By Larry Ray Hafley Several articles of late have spoken of commitment to Christ. No informed Christian denies the need, but while contending for commitment to Christ, some decry “church of Christ theology in the process of conversion.” It is charged that “Neo-Phariseeism” is “in the church of Christ today.” If these allegations be true, they …
The Songs that We Sing
By Ronny Milliner While we are singing “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” we are also to be “teaching and admonishing one another” (Col. 3:16). We are to worship God in spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:24). Therefore it would be wrong for us to sing words that expressed a false idea. Indeed, if we engaged …
Satire Anonymity and Truth
By Voyd N. Ballard Satire is defined as the “use of sarcasm or irony to attack or ridicule a habit, idea, custom etc.” Anonymity is the “state of being anonymous” which is “of unknown or unacknowledged authorship.” Truth is defined by the dictionary as “that which is true”, “Conformity with fact or reality.” It is defined …