By Ron Halbrook Sir Winston Churchill referred to Communism as “a riddle wrapped in an enigma.” Brethren who discuss division among God’s people are often bewildered. “How does it really happen? What is the real cause?” The disciples of Christ during His personal ministry were sometimes baffled by certain realities stated by Jesus. “Many therefore of …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
MIRACLES: With Signs Following
By Cecil Willis I want to direct your attention to the passage most frequently quoted by those seeking to prove that miracles are yet being performed. Therefore, I think it timely that we study Mark 16:14-20 to discover what bearing it may have upon the discussion of the duration of miracles. If this is the strongest …
Whoops! Another Baptist slip on Matthew 16:18
By Larry Ray Hafley Some time ago I had an article in the Gospel Guardian which contained a quote from a Missionary Baptist. In the course of an article, L. D. Capell, editor of the Missionary Baptist Searchlight, inadvertently used Matthew 16:18 with respect to the establishment and “origin” of the church. Well, he has “went …
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By Mike Willis Another term used quite frequently to describe Christians is the term “worker.” Paul wrote to Timothy, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). Again, Paul said, “For we are God’s fellow-workers; you are …
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