By Johnny Stringer The Lord has called me to be an evangelist. I have received no mysterious, better-felt-than-told feeling, nor any other such special revelation from God calling me to the work of evangelism. But I have most assuredly been called. In the revelation which God gave in the first century and which is recorded in …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Correction for “What We Pay Our Preacher Article”
By Herschel Patton I reported in this article that according to information given to me by a former IRS employee, preachers did not have to list as income what churches paid them for Social Security taxes. This, however, is in error. It seems that a ruling has been made concerning this since my informant retired some …
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What We Pay Our Preacher
By Herschel Patton Several good articles have been written lately concerning preacher pay. Preferred Risk Insurance Company has circulated a leaflet entitled “How To Properly Insure Your Church and Provide Intelligently For Your Minister.” Under “How Much Should Your Minister Be Paid,” the leaflet says, `Ask yourself these questions . . . . 1. Would you …
Scriptural Support of the Gospel Preacher
By Jimmy Tuten, Jr. In the April, 1976 issue of Searching The Scriptures, Connie Adams pointed out how sensitive the subject of the support of preachers is to both preachers and congregations. For fear of being accused of preaching for the money few preachers have addressed themselves to the subject and consequently many churches are untaught …
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