By Lewis Willis Introduction This is the first of a series of articles which will appear in Truth Magazine under the above heading. My daily newspaper arrives at 5:15 “a.m. and I read or scan it before I begin my day. Items which concern religion or morals are of special interest to me. I edit a …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Issues that Divide Us (I): Understanding Authority
By Robert Jackson (Editor’s Note: The following material was originally presented as a series of radio lessons last year during a meeting at the Twin Oaks Church of Christ in Huntington, Tenn., and copied by the elders. It has been edited and adapted for publication.) We would like to encourage you to get a Bible so …
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Miraculous Divine Healing
By Cecil Willis I think that it is imperative that we discuss two terms “miraculous” and “divine” that appear in the title of this article. This might eliminate some of the confusion around this subject. I believe that all dealing is divine. God has established the laws of nature by which the healing process is effected. …
The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Doctrine of Christ (I)
By Mike Willis Practically everyone of us has encountered the Jehovah’s Witnesses at one pointy in our life. Generally, our discussion with them centers around such doctrines as hell and the immortality of the soul. However, a more fundamental error propagated by the Witnesses is their doctrine of Christ. They teach that Jesus is not Jehovah …
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