By Philip S. North When the sin of adultery is committed, what is the first thing that begins to develop in our minds (Christian or non-Christian)? I personally find in my own experiences that too many people in this day and age have tendency to point the finger of shame at the woman per se. Such …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
“Is Your Salvation Sufficient for Dying?”
By Larry Ray Hafley With the above title, a Missionary Baptist preacher, Wayne Camp, wrote the article below: “In West Monroe, La. it was Sunday morning. A large congregation had gathered for worship. During the invitation a sincere penitent lady went forward and made the confession: `I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.’ …
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Reflections on the Daily News
By Lewis Willis Gary Gilmore and The Bleeding Hearts Gary Mark Gilmore is dead! By order of the 4th District Court in the State of Utah, he was executed by a firing squad on January 17, 1977, and was pronounced dead at 8:06 a.m. Thus ended another life in an overgrowing company of violent men. The …
Issues that Divide Us (III): Understanding the Church
By Robert Jackson Again we want to encourage you to get your Bible and study with us, with an open mind, and I recognize also that I am just a man. I have made mistakes and I have had to correct those mistakes. This is the reason I want you to bring to my mind anything …
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