By Larry Ray Hafley Question: From Oregon: “Will you please help me in regards to the wearing of pants suits by the women. I don’t think it is right. So far, we have been able to keep them out, but now I need help badly. Will you please help? Reply: Our querist has touched a controversial …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Judge Righteous Judgment
By Jeffery Kingry Few of our Lord’s words are more abused than “Judge not, that ye be not judged. (Matt. 7:1). Actually, Jesus was not condemning judgment by his saints (to separate, select, choose, to determine, decide, judge, pronounce right or wrong). He was condemning a certain type of judgment. “Judge not according to appearance, but …
Make War Not Love!
By Daniel H. King When God gave commandment to the children of Israel with regard to their treatment of the pagan inhabitants of Canaan, his orders were not at all compromising. He charged: “I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; arid thou shaft drive them out before thee. Thou shaft make no …
Issues that Divide Us (III): Understanding Division
By Robert Jackson We are grateful for the space and opportunity to continue to study these issues that we believe are important issues that divide us. I want to say in the very beginning of this study that I find no joy in division, and I find no joy whatsoever in having to discuss the issues …
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