By Mike Willis Within recent years, the amount of pornography which has been printed in the United States has increased more than ten-fold. Practically any minute market in America has pornographic books of many titles available t0 the general public around its counter. The newspapers carry advertisements from theaters which specialize in girly movies and more …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
By Bill Cavender “The doctrine that pleasure is the sole or chief good in life and that moral duty is fulfilled in the gratification of pleasure-seeking instincts and dispositions; living for pleasure” (Webster). Hedone: “Pleasure, is used of the gratification of the natural desire or sinful desires” (W. E. Vine, Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words). …
Without Benefit of Clergy
By Ron Halbrook For the Truth’s Sake, baptized believers must be active in Christ’s kingdom. Each Christian must run the race so that he may obtain God’s approval (1 Cor. 9:24). Each must “endure hardness, as a good soldier of Christ” (2 Tim. 2:3). Christians join in offering “up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus …
Abiding in the Truth
By Ernest Udom (Brother Ernest Udom sent this article to me, requesting that I help him publish it. Brother Udom attended classes taught by brother Billy Moore, when brother Moore visited Nigeria. Brother Udom has sent me a letter of recommendation from brother E. J. Ebong. Brother Udom’s article speaks well for his soundness in the …