By Mike Willis Recently, the front page headline reported that the Southern Baptists passed a measure affirming that women must graciously submit to their husband’s “servant leadership.” This made front page news because it is so out of step with the feminist agenda. An explanation was given that Baptists believe in the “literal interpretation” of …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
By Irvin Himmel There is no greater challenge before the Christian than overcoming temptation, defeating sin, triumphing over the world, and securing victory over Satan. This is a matter of compelling concern to every member of the body of Christ. Promises and Incentives The Lord’s message to the church at Ephesus includes strong incentive in …
What Is Lust?
By David Weaks The word lust in the New Testament can translate more than one Greek word. However, the primary word translated lust is epithumia. W.E. Vine says of this word that it is “strong desire of any kind” (707). It can be used of strong desire that is good and strong desire that is …
“That Was A Long Time Ago”
By Richard Boone I knew of him and his good work in the kingdom. I had learned from his writings — always substantive and well written. I had even used some of his published sermons, or at least points in them. But until recently, I’d never met him. He attended a meeting in which I …