By Jeffery Kingry Much of what we write, preach, and teach falls short of any practical help to the Christian on a day to day basis. It is a good man who can translate words on paper or words taken from the air into profitable godly living. Ultimately, all scripture must find practical application in the …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
“Psalmos and Instrumental Music”
By John McCort The most popular argument used to justify instrumental music in worship is an argument drawn from the word “psalms” (psalmos) in Eph. 5:19. The argument made is that in the Old Testament psalms were sung to the instrument of music. It is claimed that the instrument of music is inherent in the singing …
“I Don’t Get Anything Out of Bible Class”
By Lewis Willis Brethren do many things that are praiseworthy and it is fitting that such be recognized. Conversely, brethren also do some things that are downright reprehensible, and these things are deserving of notice. It is difficult to lend the proper balance to these antithetical situations. It is not easy to determine if one has …
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Issues that Divide Us (VII): Understanding Benevolence
By Robert Jackson We continue our study of issues that divide us within the ranks of the body of Christ. As stated before, this is indeed a shame and a tragedy, but something that we must face and deal with and be willing to accept the Bible as the authority to solve all of out problems. …
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