By Mike Willis Elsewhere in this issue, you will find an article from my brother, Cecil Willis, in which he announces his resignation as Editor of Truth Magazine. It is with saddened countenance that I write these comments about his resignation inasmuch as his departure from this paper leaves a void which simply cannot be filled. …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
Catholicism and Infallibility
By Donald P. Ames It has long been the claim of the Catholic Church that it is “an infallible teaching authority” (The Apostles’ Creed, p. 27-their booklet and their emphasis-DPA). They claim that both Christ and the Holy Spirit are with it and guiding it so that “it could make no error” (Ibid, p. 26) and …
Preach the Cleansing Blood
By Ron Halbrook For the truth’s sake, let us consider the blood of Christ. Religious Liberalism says Jesus died as a hero of martyr — He is a great “inspiration” in his uncomplaining death — that is all there is to it. The Bible teaches differently. The death of Christ was not accidental or incidental, but …
Witnessing and Matthew 18:20
By Mike T. Rogacs When the Lord established His covenant with the people called Israel, He built into that covenant several precepts which were meant to insure the continuance of truth and justice among His people. One such precept was found applied in several instances in the law of Moses. The basic structure of this principle …