By Larry Ray Hafley Her aged, angel face, Lined with heaven’s grace, Gazed sadly at her love Who lay asleep In his pain so deep. A lifetime of memories, Photos of the mind, Left her sad eyes Mournful and blind With fearful tears Which trickled o’er years And through the skies. No …
Author Archives: Mark Mayberry
The Walls of Denominationalism
By Daniel Christopher Kinder (Dan Kinder is a new brother in Christ, a recent convert from Mormonism. This is Dan’s first experience in teach- ing the gospel. He hopes to continue to grow in Christ and be a teacher of the Word. This lesson was his sermon delivered at the Pruett and Lobit St. church …
The Connection
By Peter McPherson There is a connection between the recently advanced theory, as taught by a few fellows, of the “One Covenant,” “the law” and loose views on marriage, divorce and re- marriage. It’s on page 45 of Olan Hicks’ 1978 booklet on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage as he discusses Romans 7:1-4. In the course …
Postmodernism: An Old Enemy in a New Suit
By David McClister The good news is that secular humanism is on the way out. The bad news is that something worse is taking its place. That something worse is called postmodernism. Modernism Before we can define and understand postmodernism, a few words about modernism, its precursor, are in order. “Modernism” is a term that …
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