Boone, North, Humbard and Roberts
Connie Adams
Akron, Ohio
For some time now some of our liberal brethren have capitalized on the popularity of Pat Boone to help them draw crowds for special attendance drives, youth rallies, or campaigns of one kind or another. I am sure that he feels he is being helpful to the cause of Christ. Within recent weeks he has not only been so used by liberal brethren but also by well known false teachers in the denominational world. Campus Advance and Pat Boone Back in the spring, Pat Boone was a part of the "Daytona Advance," an effort at what was called "beach evangelism," in which a number of young people went to Daytona Beach, Florida, during the spring vacation to mix and mingle with the college students who gathered for their annual beach party. I now have before me the April issue of Go, the paper published by the Campus Advance organization. This paper, in addition to publishing personal testimonies of some, carries the story of the events of that effort in pictures; lots of pictures. Four special shows were presented at the big bandshell on the beach. Pat and his wife were there to perform and to testify on the beach. One picture shows Pat and some of the other Campus Advance people standing on the beach in bathing suits. Another picture shows some young people having prayer before they went out on the beach to "witness." One of the girls was wearing a swimsuit; others were in shorts. There is one picture of a young man playing a folk guitar. The explanatory note with the picture says, "The Blue Sky Investment entertains and shares the gospel through the medium of folk songs." One of the Campus Advance leaders wrote a piece in the Christian Chronicle and said the whole thing at Daytona was like another Pentecost. Shades of blasphemy! At any rate, Brother Pat Boone was in the middle of the happening. Our brethren used him to promote their work. But wait, there is more. Ira North and Pat Boone On May 11, the Madison Church in Madison, Tennessee, where Ira North preaches, had a drive for 6,001 in Bible study attendance. Among the plans for a big day, which included special honors for mothers, a concert in the park that afternoon, and ground-breaking for a new "Christian Retirement Community" (sponsored by the Madison church), there was again our Brother Boone and wife to talk with young people and assist in this effort. He was pictured with wife along with Ira North and Bill Banowsky. Again he was used as an entertainer of prominence to help draw a crowd. The impression was left that Pat is a worthy example in life and doctrine. Rex Humbard and Pat Boone Two weeks from the day that Pat was at Madison helping our brethren have a big crowd; he appeared at the Cathedral of Tomorrow in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, with Rex Humbard, the preacher for that denominational church. I have before me the full page ad from the Akron Beacon-Journal, Saturday, May 17, 1969. It was billed as an "Anniversary Week Revival." The schedule of services called for Pat to be present at both morning and evening services. His appearance at the morning service was on their TV program last Sunday morning. To his credit, let it be said that Pat did make a little talk about the plan of salvation which he obeyed when a 13 year old boy, and quoted Acts 2:38 and Mark 16:16. He then led a song without instrument after which they all applauded him. But the advertisement in the paper for the night service said: "Our special guest for this final night of revival will be a musical talent we all know. The voice of Pat Boone has long been enjoyed by both young and old. Rex Humbard's Television Ministry has been strongly instrumental in the recent rededication of Pat Boone's life to Jesus Christ. He and his family are constant testimonies to the wonders of knowing Christ as their personal Savior. Pat will inspire us with his testimony and entertain us with many songs of faith." Who is Rex Humbard? He is a false teacher, a sophisticated faith healer. He teaches a false gospel and inspires a false hope. The Cathedral of Tomorrow is the name of his church. It owns an apartment house, owns a huge building which it leases to a food chain, owns a girdle fa&6ry and a plastics firm. It is a big-time promotion. Pat's presence can only be construed as an endorsement and encouragement to the work of this false teacher and his church. John said, "He that biddeth him God-speed is partaker of his evil deed" (2 Jno. 10). Faithful churches of Christ in this area find it necessary to teach in opposition to the doctrine taught by Humbard and to oppose his unscriptural practices. Many times in gospel meetings, especially in Canada, I have met people who learn that I am from Akron, and then want to know if I know of Rex Humbard. They tell me about hearing and seeing him and many have been taken in by his false claims. But Brother Pat was there with him the other Sunday and says that the efforts of this false teacher had something to do with his, "rededication" to Christ. Oral Roberts and Pat Boone There was a half page ad in the June 10, 1969 Look Magazine advertising a one hour special on TV sometime in June called "Contact." It is to be an Oral Roberts special. Pat Boone is pictured with Oral Roberts. Oral Roberts is perhaps the best known faith healer in the world. He has led many souls astray. He teaches a false gospel and has enriched himself on the desperation of sick people who have been convinced that he could heal them. When his special hits the airwaves, there will be our Brother Boone. How even the most liberal minded of our brethren could continue to use him as a worthy example of the faith is beyond me. There is a difference in taking advantage of an invitation to teach the truth and expose error, and an effort in which the impression is left that all is well, and that endorsement and encouragement are given to false teachers and to religious plants which the Father did not plant (Mt. 15:13). Do the brethren who continue to use Pat feel that he is doing right in giving encouragement to denominational error? Compromise and fraternization with the forces of false doctrine are becoming more and more observable among our liberal brethren. This is what happens when you leave the authority of the word of God. TRUTH MAGAZINE XIII: 12, pp. 12-13 |