EDITORIAL: The Proper and Improper Use Bible Study Resources, by Mark Mayberry
MEDITATIONS: Should We Pray “Your Kingdom Come” Today? by Kyle Pope
WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: To Love Their Children, by Diana Dow
IN THE WILDERNESS: The Turning Point of Faith in God, by Bruce Reeves
JOURNEYS WITH JESUS: Walking with Jesus into Jerusalem for His Triumphal Entry, by Shane Carrington
AUTOBIOGRAPHY: Chapter 2—Early Attempts at Preaching, by Bobby L. Graham
ARCHAEOLOGY: The Land of the Hittites (featuring the capital, Hattusha), by Leon Mauldin
BIBLE COUPLES: Zacharias and Elizabeth—The Righteous Couple Who Were Rewarded, by Chris Reeves
EXPOSITIONS: He Must Increase, by Danny Linden
VOICES OF YOUTH: Friendships, by Collin White
#1: Redefining Porneia, by Allen Dvorak
#2: The Wise Win Souls, by Brandon Slater
#3: The Competitive Spirit of the Christian, by Marc Gibson
#4: Psalm 1, by Stan Adams
#5: Do God-Given Ethics and Morals Guide Science?, by Jordan Lawson
#6: Learned Experience from Loss, by Robin Farris
#7: 2025 Florida College Lectures—My Years in Preaching, Steve Wolfgang
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