Upcoming changes to your Truth Magazine Subscription

A Letter From the Editor

The last several years have been challenging for Truth Publications
with the pandemic, economy, and supply issues. The board appreciates how
everyone connected with this organization, especially how Lance Taylor
and the excellent staff at CEI Bookstore, pulled together—applying their
considerable talents to streamline operations, improve efficiencies, and
help us meet the needs of our customers. As our truthbooks.com website
prominently states, “You and your church need trustworthy books and
resources. We publish and provide Bible-based products to help everyone
grow spiritually.”

To achieve this end, we must operate from a sound financial footing,
adjust to changing economic conditions, and adapt new technologies that
help us accomplish our purpose. Along with most of the publishing
industry, we have shifted to a “Print on Demand” model of operation.
Instead of printing thousands of copies of each item in our inventory,
we print limited quantities and reorder as needed.

The changes that are sweeping the publishing industry also affect
Truth Magazine. Except for a few national publications, which
are largely supported by advertising, most religious, academic, and
professional journals have gone digital.

Throughout 2022, it has been especially difficult to maintain the
production schedule of the print version of Truth Magazine. We have
experienced difficulties in getting the magazine printed, challenges
with distribution via the U.S.P.S, supply chain issues in which the
printer had to stop production until they received paper, ink, or parts,
and escalating costs that have staggered a formerly healthy economy.

As a result, the Executive Committee has recommended to the board
that we shift Truth Magazine from print PLUS digital
distribution to focus solely on the digital distribution of this product
and its growth. We have been developing our digital channels for several
years, mastering the different formats, and seeking to increase the
quality and breadth of our offerings.

Truth Magazine is available on the Amazon Kindle platform as a
monthly periodical. We distribute it as a full color PDF, and in a
version accessible via web browsers (which is especially useful for
brethren who live in the third-world and who do not enjoy broadband
access). Recently, we have been improving our ePub version, which can be
read on a phone, tablet, computer monitor, etc. There has been an
increasing demand for digital content. We have been striving to meet
this demand, and broaden the scope and quality of our digital

We regret the necessity of this change, but it cannot be avoided in
the present economic climate. Our customers/subscribers may be assured
that we will do right by each of you. Hopefully, most of our subscribers
will make the transition to fully digital subscriptions. Since
individual and group subscriptions renew throughout the year, we will
make every effort to address the needs of each subscriber based on their
individual subscription status.

A majority of our subscribers are already receiving Truth
in a digital form. While the shift to digital comes at a
cost, it also means that we can expand our offering, and provide more
monthly columns (on a broader variety of subjects) that will enable us
to provide sound spiritual teaching on relevant topics.

Our reason for existence is captured in the statement, “Taking His
Hand, Helping Each Other Home.” Recognizing the authority of God and
Christ, we take His hand. He leads, we follow. Having done so, we then
are able to help each other (those who are outside of Christ, as well as
our brethren) in three ways: Our physical homes are made whole through
the application of sound biblical principles. Our spiritual home (the
church) is made strong through faithfully proclaiming the gospel
message. By submitting to the will of God, and through the forgiveness
made possible by the blood of Christ, and by God’s grace, we can reach
our heavenly home.


Mark Mayberry

What Do You Need to Do Next?

As we transition to solely digital subscriptions, you, as the
subscriber, have some options.

You can fully transition into the digital
We will update your expiration date accordingly.
(For example, if your subscription expires in September 2022, you are
owed a credit of two (2) print issues of the magazine. We will extend
your subscription to October, meaning you will receive four (4) digital
copies with your subscription before your next renewal.

You can terminate your subscription and we will
credit you on a case-by-case basis.

Let Us
Know What You Would Like to Do Moving Forward.

  • The easiest way will be to fill out the form at this LINK:

  • You can email us at subscriptions@truthpublications.com

  • You can call us and leave a message at (256) 232-0565 Extension

If your subscription status change requires follow-up, a team member
will contact you in a timely manner. Please be considerate of our team
members during this time. Moving to a digital only magazine was a
difficult decision for our board of directors, but a necessary one
during these pressing times.

Our goal is to provide trustworthy content for you and your
congregation. Thank you for your kindness and understanding as we make
the necessary changes to continue to provide these materials and


The Staff or CEI Bookstore | TruthBooks.com