The Latest Effort in Kaunas, Lithuania

By Kevin Maxey, Dennis Scroggins, and Steve Wallace

In late March of this year Dennis Scroggins and Steve Wallace arrived to start another effort to spread the gospel in Kaunas. Kevin Maxey and Bill Bynum followed them. The effort continues as this article is being written with Randy Blackaby and Joe McCameron presently laboring there.

Street Work

Almost everyday we set up a table full of literature in the Lithuanian language on the main pedestrian street in Kaunas, Laisves Aleja. While things are starting to taper off from what they once were in terms of the number of people taking literature, we still gave away a good amount. Also, there were a good number of discussions with people who passed by.


The attendance at the our Sun-day lectures grew to a high of twenty people in attendance, twelve of whom were non-Christians. We advertized the lectures in the city paper and handed out invitations to people who passed by the table. We usually made overhead charts of our lessons for the lectures which were also copied and handed out to all who came.

The Church in Kaunas

At this point there have been four souls baptized into Christ this spring. While the workers mentioned of course had a part in these conversions, it is important to note that three of these baptisms came as a result of the efforts of members of the church there in making contacts or talking with others. Two of those baptized had also been at-tending the lectures.

Other Work

Work is continuing in getting books translated into Lithuanian. At this point Denominationalism and The Church, by Larry Ray Hafley, The New Testament Church, by Roy Cogdill, Discussion Between a Preacher and a Priest, by Leroy Brownlow, Glossoalia, by Jimmy Jividen, and The Houchen-Tatum Debate are in various stages of preparation for being printed. Many hours have been spent up to this point in the proof-reading of translated material. Through the contributions of individuals some of our translators now have old 286 computers with which to work. This simplifies the job of editing and final printing.

Jay Horsley, who previously worked in Vilnius, returned to the U.S. in mid-April. Hence, it has be-come necessary for us to take opportunities to work with the church in Vilnius. Also, there is a Christian in the northern city of Shiauliai whom Jay had been visiting as he found time whom Steve also was able to visit during his time there.

Can You Come to Lithuania in 1997?

At this point, an adequate number of workers has been found for the fall 1996 effort in Kaunas. Be-ginning in January 1997, a further effort to spread the gospel is being planned for Kaunas and other parts of Lithuania. It is planned to continue the whole year. Tracts and lecture halls are available. A number of churches in the U.S. and Germany have shown themselves willing to support these efforts. Workers are needed. Can you come for a few weeks? Everyone who has worked in Kaunas believes in the need for further work to be done there and has found the work something they were able to do. We are seeing the fruits of labors in the number of converts. Please contact one of us for information about working there.

One of the baptisms was the first male addition to the church there. The Christians there were encouraged by the recent additions. There have continued to be visitors at every service who have shown interest in the gospel.

Guardian of Truth XL: No. 14, p. 19
July 18, 1996