
By Donald Willis

The local high school presented the stage production of “Annie” prior to the New Year. My daughter assisted in the production by playing with the orchestra. Like a doting Father, I sat through the entire production thinking the most outstanding part of it was the orchestra performance.

“Annie” was an unwanted child kept in an asylum run by a drinking matriarch whose primary interest was the money she received. “Annie” was a cute young lady who would steal the heart of anyone. Daddy Warbuck would take one of the children from the home into his home for the Christmas holiday, and this year he had “Annie” sent into his home. He fell in love with the child, and wanted to adopt her into his family.

The setting for the program was the years around the Great Depression (I recall those years myself). Life was truly difficult. Income was limited. Stock market almost was not. Everything was gray.

“Annie” introduced the song, “Tomorrow,” in which she assured the adults the sun would come out, and that life would continue. She injected the positive element into a dismal society.

It seems to me that we need these same affirmations of faith in the providence of God, and that all is well with His people upon the earth. It seems that negative thinking produces negative results! Positive thinking produces positive results! God is for His people, He is on their side. He desires to see them successful! Man often will not permit God to assist him in life. Many have lost their dependence upon God.

Christ is that fountain of living water. The source is adequate, the ingestion is refreshing, the adsorption is life giving. One can have confidence in the continuing effect in one’s life.

God is the light with Whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning (Jas. 1:17). God is not an unsteady light, a blinking light; there is no variableness. Man is unsteady, often one cannot depend upon man. But not so with God. We can have confidence in Him. Surely the “sun will come out tomorrow” because of God’s love and reliability.

Get out of the doldrums, step into the glorious light of the assurance of God, and be confident!

Guardian of Truth XXIX: 8, p. 228
April 18, 1985