By Bill Cavender
A boxer is critically injured in a televised boxing match from Nevada and soon dies in a hospital. Half the nation is up in arms and is ready to abolish boxing. “Boom Boom” Mancini went to his priest, the priest consoled him and pronounced him forgiven, and he has already boxed again. The furor died down quickly and quietly, the dead boxer’s organs were given to recipients who needed new eyes, liver, etc. One person said on the television, “Look what good this young Korean did in his death!” So boxing goes on, others will die, and the gamblers and promoters will make their “filthy lucre” off the hurts and heartaches of others.
Each day many people die in our country by being burned to death in fires begun by cigarette and cigar smokers. Each day hundreds of people die in our country by cancer of various forms, relating to the use of tobacco. People on welfare, relief, food stamps and unemployment still manage money to buy their tobacco, even though the children may be hungry, cold and homeless. Yet this causes no uprising in the nation at all. Our government goes right on subsidizing, with taxpayer’s money, the growers of the filthy weed and cancer-causing agent.
Each day in our country hundreds of people die in alcohol-related auto accidents and diseases. We have over ten million drunks in our nation, and about sixty-five percent of the people imbibe alcohol in some form as social drinkers. Sixty-five percent of all auto accidents involve drinking drivers. We all pay for this, in many ways, yet there is no furor about it. It is accepted.
We murder our young, our unborn. It is estimated that in 1981, between 2,500,000 and 3,000,000 babies were aborted, legally and illegally. Abortion is a legal and acceptable manner of birth control, adding the sin of murder to the sins of fornication and adultery. Yet most folks accept this.
We’ve come a long way – toward hell and toward the complete moral and spiritual decline and demise of our former good nation.
Guardian of Truth XXVII: 9, p. 265
May 5, 1983