A Study of Drinking Alcoholic Beverages

By Michael Garrison Few among us would not be aware that the number one drug problem in America, and probably the world, is alcohol. “Although cocaine is the most publicized drug of our day, the most widely used drug in the U.S. is alcohol” (Lloyd Shearer, Parade Magazine, May 10, 1987). In the years of 1976 …

Profile of the New Age Movement

By Warren E. Berkley Definition: Built on the assumption that we are all divine beings, with supernatural potentials, the New Age Movement says that through knowledge, enlightenment and meditation, we can discover that we are divine. Then, in concert with other “enlightened ones,” we can create a new world, and usher in a new age. Historical …

Prescriptions for Good Spiritual Health (1): Rejoice in the Lord

By Mike Willis The book of Philippians has been described as Paul’s most affectionate epistle. Writing to a church which he had established, Paul was personally acquainted with many of Philippi’s members. He showed the Philippians how to live with good spiritual attitudes in the face of bleak circumstances. Philippians 4 contains several exhortations which give …